Benefits of VPS Print

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The best things about VPS are its dedicated-server-alike features and affordable pricing.

Isolation Each private server has its unique file system and gets a  guaranteed fraction of the server’s disk space, CPU power, bandwidth, and memory. Hence, a website hosted on a VPS runs on an isolated environment where its performance will not be affected by other websites. Also, a VPS does not share web application and services with other websites thus it eliminates the risk of downtime or hacks due to other’s mistakes.

Customization VPS users get full root access. This allows server customization – you get to install your own software/application and manage your server as you would on a dedicated server.

Affordable VPS is cheap. You’ll get features like dedicated servers but cost a lot more cheaper (in most of the case, 50% less) than a dedicated hosting plan. You can compare the pricing different between a dedicated server and VPS hosting below.

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